Hey There! (wavy warmly) I’m Angelica although most call me Jelly. I actually I prefer if you did, a serial business owner and voice actor who turned to blogging. My beginning started very differently from most. I was raised in a plural family with two mothers. I got to be present for the best and worst of what we would call the plural family. I also tried it out myself!Social Media image

A mother to two beautiful children and dating a really wonderful conscious man! (winks at you) From a young age I knew that there was something just a little different about me. Whether it was my obsession with the moon and ocean, or that my social life was a living hell as a child. I became very aware of my sexuality – and the fact that I had sexual prowess early on. My evolution from meek to Alphess are all things I want to share with in this blog!

My story of finding self and what that ment within the “conscious community” and how this can even be balanced. What dating a conscious man is like and how to be successful at finding at finding the “King for your Queendom”.  And in the mean time – how to “exercise your selectivity” while being single, also – exploring sexuality (that of a Alphess) and how to encourage a more meaningful and fulfilling sex life.


Don’t forget to scroll down and follow me on all those social media pages – especially Google+!

In Feb 14th, 2016 I’ll be coming out with my first mini-manual titled: “How to Survive being Conscious & Single without losing your Sanity” Click Here To reserve your FREE COPY