Tax Liens & Vacant Land

In most states, the person willing to pay the most cash for the tax lien wins the auction. Some states, however, have a bid-down process, where investors’ bids indicate how much interest they’re willing to accept on their investment, and the lowest bidder wins. Whatever method is used, the tax collector takes the payment for…

Camille Forced To Testify Against Bill? Fishy Business

For one of the rare times ever in judicial history and added strangeness surrounding the case of Bill Cosby – his wife, Camille Cosby is being forced to testify against her husband. Any who’s watched crime dramas long enough know that generally a spouse can’t testify. But for some odd reason the belief is that Camille…

Deelishis And Bro Polight Talk: Girl You Bombed That!

Hip Hop Enquirer posted a video of Brother Polight speaking with Deelishis (reality TV star). Now initially when I first came across the video I was honestly surprised and a bit impressed with Deelishis, I assumed that with the caliber of man she was speaking with that she actually had much more substance that I assumed.

Is Your Breastmilk Tainted: Are Our Breasts Trying To Tell Us Something?

And if so, what? Humans are a unique species, being the only ones that have permanently enlarged breast after puberty until menopause. With western society being the what it is, we have seen breast get larger and unhealthier over the years. But what exactly is causing this change in breast and their health in western culture? We call…

Conviction & Sincerity

As I sit and watch, I slowly see that lack of true humanism. With this lack of humanism, what I still have yet to come terms with others insincerity. How do we create the kind of utopia we desire without sacrifice? And with this sacrifice we are required perhaps shed blood. I cringe at both…

Consciouness: 5 Misconceptions About Scientific Method/Science

We are lucky to live at a time when so many fascinating things are happening in science. Yet when I partake in any discussion, I’m often amazed at how many people carry misconceptions about what science is and how it works.  This is tolerable given that we all have varied backgrounds and have studied different…

Who Are The Obelisk?

I recently came across and article (in my emails) which talked about a secret society called, “The Obelisk”. It went on to read that this group of enlightened people were actually all people of color. This group is consistent of people whom are counter illuminati and pro race-first. There mission was to create and restore…

Conscious Girl: Tips For Balancing Work & Life

There is no single formula for attaining a balanced life. It is a personal decision how one combines their career, spouse/significant other, children, friends and self into an integrated whole. The key is to develop creative solutions as you approach the challenges of balancing the responsibilities and joys of your multiple roles. Some of the…

The Struggles Of Americans Of African Descent

America’s education system teaches black youth to hate their African ancestry and strive to assimilate to the European culture romanticized in school text. Europeans are viewed as loving Christian explorers, full of ingenuity, fairness, and virtue.

What Type Of Conscious Person Are You Dating?

Although I haven’t been dating in the conscious community for long I have seen and heard many stories. For better and for worse, I’d like to share with you my personal experiences of what it’s like and what to expect! In this post I’ll try to first break down people you’ll interact with by gender…

Fake Deep: My Interpretation

Now with “Dashiki Day 2015” just passing, I wonder about the current state of the conscious community and whether it’s really here as a unifier or a separatist mechanism. Although I personally didn’t participate in Dashiki Day, I did appreciate the photos I watched stream across my social media timelines. I was good to see folks…

Conscious Woman & Your GMO Tampon!

With everyone worrying about GMOs nowadays, I think the recent unveiling by Dr. Damian Marino that in fact, we women of hue are being exposed to Monsanto’s cancer caused ingredient used in RoundUp: Glyphosate. According to a recent study out of the University of La Plata , 85 percent of all samples of tampons tested positive…