Surviving Hitting Life’s Reset Button

Dial in the year 2013, filled with so many downs and when my life came to what I thought was a standstill. After 5 years of celebrating a career high note – successfully being the tri-states only all female sex-positive and relationships events company, having the perfect apartment, relationship getting more exploratory along came a…

Balancing Being Multipassionate & Business + 10 Productivity Tips

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.   -Jane Goodall Many of us multipassionate struggle between deciding if we have several callings, or one true one. Whether either is true may be one thing, but the best about being multipassionate is that we have…

Finding Major Success In Small Achievements

So I know your all wondering where I’ve been the last couple of months. Honestly if your mad I don’t blame you. But some of the most amazing things have happened to me the last few weeks and I just had to share them with you. It made me realize how important the small things are,…

Is Your Circle Encouraging Or Killing Your Succes

“Birds Of A Feather, Flock Together”. An idiom we  have all learnt & grew up on”in English, French, German,Cantonese et al”.  Whether or not if it’s a fact.. I will leave that up to you to decide upon. But having the right and wrong people in our social circles can determine a great much on how…

Tax Liens & Vacant Land

In most states, the person willing to pay the most cash for the tax lien wins the auction. Some states, however, have a bid-down process, where investors’ bids indicate how much interest they’re willing to accept on their investment, and the lowest bidder wins. Whatever method is used, the tax collector takes the payment for…

Dating In The Conscious Community: Conscious Dating

Since we’ve already discussed the types of people (generally) that you’ll encounter. Let’s continue on to things you’ll need to consider before you begin dating. To gain the best possible experience dating in the conscious community, lets first looks at ourselves. My beloved sister, no matter where you are in the world or what you’ve…