Surviving Hitting Life’s Reset Button

Dial in the year 2013, filled with so many downs and when my life came to what I thought was a standstill. After 5 years of celebrating a career high note – successfully being the tri-states only all female sex-positive and relationships events company, having the perfect apartment, relationship getting more exploratory along came a…

Balancing Being Multipassionate & Business + 10 Productivity Tips

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.   -Jane Goodall Many of us multipassionate struggle between deciding if we have several callings, or one true one. Whether either is true may be one thing, but the best about being multipassionate is that we have…

Finding Major Success In Small Achievements

So I know your all wondering where I’ve been the last couple of months. Honestly if your mad I don’t blame you. But some of the most amazing things have happened to me the last few weeks and I just had to share them with you. It made me realize how important the small things are,…

I Need A Sister Wife…

I am a proud child of sister wives, in fact it is something that I desire for my life as well. Without both of these women present in my life I couldn’t say I am who I am presently.

Would A Sex Strike Like In ‘Chi Raq’ Actually Work?

Using a sex strike as a way to end the violence in Chicago?? How can Spike Lee make such a mockery of the issue in our city?!” This sentiment has reverberated through the proverbial halls of social media over and over since Spike released the trailer for his latest project, Chi-Raq (coming tomorrow). For those…

Conscious Girl: Tips For Balancing Work & Life

There is no single formula for attaining a balanced life. It is a personal decision how one combines their career, spouse/significant other, children, friends and self into an integrated whole. The key is to develop creative solutions as you approach the challenges of balancing the responsibilities and joys of your multiple roles. Some of the…

Dating In The Conscious Community: Conscious Dating

Since we’ve already discussed the types of people (generally) that you’ll encounter. Let’s continue on to things you’ll need to consider before you begin dating. To gain the best possible experience dating in the conscious community, lets first looks at ourselves. My beloved sister, no matter where you are in the world or what you’ve…

What Type Of Conscious Person Are You Dating?

Although I haven’t been dating in the conscious community for long I have seen and heard many stories. For better and for worse, I’d like to share with you my personal experiences of what it’s like and what to expect! In this post I’ll try to first break down people you’ll interact with by gender…

Conscious Woman & Your GMO Tampon!

With everyone worrying about GMOs nowadays, I think the recent unveiling by Dr. Damian Marino that in fact, we women of hue are being exposed to Monsanto’s cancer caused ingredient used in RoundUp: Glyphosate. According to a recent study out of the University of La Plata , 85 percent of all samples of tampons tested positive…