Tax Liens & Vacant Land

In most states, the person willing to pay the most cash for the tax lien wins the auction. Some states, however, have a bid-down process, where investors’ bids indicate how much interest they’re willing to accept on their investment, and the lowest bidder wins. Whatever method is used, the tax collector takes the payment for…

Beyonce To Play Saartjie Baartman?

Information has surfaced that Beyonce is in the works of starring in a film she’s written, casting herself as the star in the tragic retelling Saartjie Baartman. Saartjie, a bushman woman who was forced to star in a freak show in London as an living exhibit until she died. Saartjie’s story is a tragic tale…

Camille Forced To Testify Against Bill? Fishy Business

For one of the rare times ever in judicial history and added strangeness surrounding the case of Bill Cosby – his wife, Camille Cosby is being forced to testify against her husband. Any who’s watched crime dramas long enough know that generally a spouse can’t testify. But for some odd reason the belief is that Camille…