Is Your Breastmilk Tainted: Are Our Breasts Trying To Tell Us Something?

And if so, what? Humans are a unique species, being the only ones that have permanently enlarged breast after puberty until menopause. With western society being the what it is, we have seen breast get larger and unhealthier over the years. But what exactly is causing this change in breast and their health in western culture? We call…

Colon Cancer, Processed Meats: Your Body Conscious Girl

Now by now we should all be taking our health seriously. With Dr. Sebi on the record cutting certain cancers and other life threading diseases, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the World Health Organisation has declare that bacon, sausages and other processed meats cause cancer. The announcement lists the fry-up favourites in the…

What Type Of Conscious Person Are You Dating?

Although I haven’t been dating in the conscious community for long I have seen and heard many stories. For better and for worse, I’d like to share with you my personal experiences of what it’s like and what to expect! In this post I’ll try to first break down people you’ll interact with by gender…

Conscious Woman & Your GMO Tampon!

With everyone worrying about GMOs nowadays, I think the recent unveiling by Dr. Damian Marino that in fact, we women of hue are being exposed to Monsanto’s cancer caused ingredient used in RoundUp: Glyphosate. According to a recent study out of the University of La Plata , 85 percent of all samples of tampons tested positive…