Tax Liens & Vacant Land

In most states, the person willing to pay the most cash for the tax lien wins the auction. Some states, however, have a bid-down process, where investors’ bids indicate how much interest they’re willing to accept on their investment, and the lowest bidder wins. Whatever method is used, the tax collector takes the payment for…

I Need A Sister Wife…

I am a proud child of sister wives, in fact it is something that I desire for my life as well. Without both of these women present in my life I couldn’t say I am who I am presently.

Conviction & Sincerity

As I sit and watch, I slowly see that lack of true humanism. With this lack of humanism, what I still have yet to come terms with others insincerity. How do we create the kind of utopia we desire without sacrifice? And with this sacrifice we are required perhaps shed blood. I cringe at both…

Consciouness: 5 Misconceptions About Scientific Method/Science

We are lucky to live at a time when so many fascinating things are happening in science. Yet when I partake in any discussion, I’m often amazed at how many people carry misconceptions about what science is and how it works.  This is tolerable given that we all have varied backgrounds and have studied different…

Consciousness And Understanding The Lack Of Free Will

Does Recognizing a lack of free will matter? Here are 3 Compelling Reasons that indicate it Does By dictionary definition, free will is defined as “the ability make choices unimpeded by prior causes“.  For free will to be possible, you would need to be aware of all the factors that determine your thoughts and actions,…

A Perspective On Prosperity

Why You’re Richer than a King   “The Sun King had dinner each night alone. He chose from forty dishes, served on gold and silver plate. It took a staggering 498 people to prepare each meal. He was rich because he consumed the work of other people, mainly in the form of their services.  …

Sou•Sou: Conscious Economics

  Chances are, if you are Black and living in America, you have never heard of sou-sou. Sou-sou, nicknamed the “poor people’s banking system”, is a centuries-old practice that originated in West Africa. It gets its name from the Yoruban term ‘esusu’ which refers to a fund where several people pool their money for a…

Conscious Girl: Tips For Balancing Work & Life

There is no single formula for attaining a balanced life. It is a personal decision how one combines their career, spouse/significant other, children, friends and self into an integrated whole. The key is to develop creative solutions as you approach the challenges of balancing the responsibilities and joys of your multiple roles. Some of the…

Spiritual Kinsman: Homage

Sometimes having a spiritual brother or sister is vital when you have rough moments in life. Knowing that there is someone you can call to decompress without worry, this is a notion more settling than the action. What I’ve learned is that having a spiritual kinsman is the greatest life saver. They remind you of…

Dating In The Conscious Community: Conscious Dating

Since we’ve already discussed the types of people (generally) that you’ll encounter. Let’s continue on to things you’ll need to consider before you begin dating. To gain the best possible experience dating in the conscious community, lets first looks at ourselves. My beloved sister, no matter where you are in the world or what you’ve…

The Struggles Of Americans Of African Descent

America’s education system teaches black youth to hate their African ancestry and strive to assimilate to the European culture romanticized in school text. Europeans are viewed as loving Christian explorers, full of ingenuity, fairness, and virtue.